Andre Schuen (アンドレ・シュエン) の "WInterreise" が5月にリリース
YouTube で1曲先行配信されていた
Andre Schuen (アンドレ・シュエン) の "WInterreise" が5月にリリース
YouTube で1曲先行配信されていた
ベンヤミン・アップル (Benjamin Appl) が昨年来日したそうで、3月13日の
彼を知ったのは 2021年のオペラ化された "St John Passion" のイエス役を演じている
早くからシューベルトの "Winterreis" に取り組んでいるようで、2022年には
Music for a While
1. Hear, ye sullen powers below:
Hear, ye taskers of the dead.
2. You that boiling cauldrons blow,
You that scum the molten lead.
3. You that pinch with red-hot tongs;
1. You that drive the trembling hosts
Of poor, poor ghosts,
With your sharpened prongs;
2. You that thrust them off the brim;
3. You that plunge them when they swim:
1. Till they drown;
Till they go
On a row,
Down, down, down:
Ten thousand, thousand, thousand fathoms low.
Chorus. Till they drown, &c.
1. Musick for awhile
Shall your cares beguile:
Wondering how your pains were eased;
2. And disdaining to be pleas'd;
1. Till Alecto free the dead
From their eternal bands;
Till the snakes drop from her head,
And whip from out her hands.
1. Come away,
Do not stay,
But obey,
While we play,
For hell's broke up, and ghosts have holiday.
Chorus. Come away, &c.
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